Sunday, March 11, 2012

Prediction: Desperate Housewives will trend tonight!

Although the firey red-head is a fictional character there are already rumours that she will be the ONE to die tonight. It's funny how so many real people have died on Twitter and it was false.  So could it be Bree or maybe Susan? I think it's's definitely his time.

Below is an example posted on Twitter at 2:29PM on Sunday in the New York trends area and already the chat begins.  I happened to check LA at 2:49PM and there was one lone tweet but lets remember they are 3 hours behind.  Chicago is alive and kicking with about a tweet a minute which happens to be the rate of tweets in the US at 2:50PM.

 Erm.. Does anybody know if Bree dies in desperate housewives tonight. guy at work told me yes.. :s  >

This is the reason I predict that #DH or #DesperateHousewives will trend tonight.  Let's see if I am right...stay tuned!


  1. I will be on the lookout for #desperatehousewives trending!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. So we should follow numerous channels tonight...

  4. So ... what happened? It's like our very own cliffhanger, right here on nyupr2point0!

  5. Well I was 50/50. Mike did bite the dust! Desperate Housewives didn't trend. It was worth a shot and aimed at engaging conversation. I will go for it again and predict that DH will trend on the night of its final has to! It was my first time watching a TV show and monitoring Twitter at the same time. Fascinating how people tweeted every minute during the show. A new experience for me with SM.

  6. I used to be a DH fanatic when the show debuted, but I haven't tuned in for about five years. Your post and Kathleen's Twitter post taps into the huge growth of a new industry called Social TV. Check out the social tv stats I include in her comments.

    Do you think you'll watch TV and tweet again?
