Friday, March 9, 2012

Storifying Politics

When I was considering what brands might be best suited for the kind of social storytelling offered by Storify, I immediately thought of political campaigns. As it turns out, Mitt Romney has a Storify account. He uses it to create a cohesive narrative for his campaign -- pictures and videos from events, tweets from supporters, news clips as he wins primaries, etc. Whereas campaigns are traditionally bland, static portraits of a candidate, Storify allows them to become dynamic, evolving stories. I found a really great summary of Storify on CrunchBase that I think encapsulates the spirit of the product:
Turn what people post on social media into compelling stories. With Storify, you collect the best photos, video, Tweets and more to publish them as simple, beautiful stories that can be embedded anywhere. It's the best way to remember an event through what people share, whether it's a conference, wedding, election or natural disaster.
Streams flow, but stories last.
Do you think Storify allows for a more authentic approach to political campaigns?


  1. Thank you for sharing JD!
    I think with the increasing amount of different social media platforms, there is a total need for Storify. Instead of being lost reading multiple messages on different platforms, you got a summary of what the brand is trying to say...genius!

  2. I'm a big fan of the Storify concept, and I wouldn't be surprised if it shows up on a PR2.0 assignment list in the near future. Not only does it allow for a more authentic approach to political campaigns, but it's also a great journalism tool.

    The Wall Street Journal's Emily Steel has been creating news stories. Here's her Storified piece Kony 2012: How a Clip Caught Fire:

  3. WOW! That video was inspiring, heartbreaking and powerful. It is amazing to me how Washington suddenly became involved when it was in their best interest but of course not surprising. Social Media has started a global revolution that clearly has only just begun.
