Sunday, February 19, 2012

Introducing nyuPR2point0

Visual storytelling is leading the charge in PR 2.0 and all of social media, for that matter.

For instance, see that cranberry-colored fleece track jacket, compliments of American Apparel?  It plays a a major part of my brand. If I'm working at home -- which is about 85 percent of the time -- I seem to be wearing it. This track jacket is my version of a fluffy white robe, without making me feel like I'm roaming the apartment in pajamas. I feel comfortable and productive when I'm wearing it. It's getting rather old and tattered, including toothpaste stains. It's probably time for another. Thoughts on a new color?

More on this later ...

Pictures express ideas, but words aren't going anywhere, so allow me to explain. The best way to learn SM is to participate. Blogging is one of the earliest forms, so let's do it, shall we?

nyPR2point0 is our communication hub for PR 2.0. Create content. Respond to posts. Build on conversations. Challenge opinions. Develop a voice. If we borrow the official language/format of our class, this is how we might describe the blog:
nyuPR2point0: Using a Course Blog To Engage NYU-SCPS PR 2.0 Students with Social Media, the Communications Industry, and Each Other

PR 2.0 (the philosophy) promotes transparency, and I encourage the same. All I ask is that you approach nyuPR2point0 with these basic marketing/communications concepts:
  • Consider the audience (i.e., yours truly and the rest of your classmates)
  • Know the objective (i.e. report, share, react and participate with all-things PR2.0)
Between now and April 23, let's commit to "walk-the-walk and talk-the-talk" in-person and on nyuPR2point0. We can meet once a week, or we can engage on an ongoing basis.You have a voice here. Comment and share your pros, cons & otherwise in the comments area. 

Next, look ahead to your own SM brand. For example, I've joined my Digital Entertainment (DE) students in a project focused on DE consumption: Digi-Diet.  I invite you to follow my diet on Tumblr or watch from the sidelines. This will become part of my bigger SM brand.

Along with your comment to this post, create your first nyuPR2point0 post.  Post a photo that somehow expresses one element of your brand. Then, write a post that briefly explains and brings life to the photo.  See my kick-off to this post. Perfect example.

Here's another, borrowed from a student's DE consumption blog: Sheekster. Scroll to the bottom and note how the photo/copy combo bring life to her brand (i.e. the Sheekster, a lover of music, entertainment, digital media and tech).

nyuPR2point0 will develop its own identity over the next few months. This identity will come from our joint participation and yes ... engagement.

Looking forward to our time together.


  1. I like how this exercise is revealing! Although very simple to express, it took me a good time to reflect about my personal branding. Just like any other brands, looking for our own brand attributes are essentials in defining ourselves.

    Looking forward to learn about my classmates through their posts!

  2. Hi Eric,
    Just want to clarify, we post a separate post (with a picture and description) to reflect our personal SM brand?

    1. That is correct, Chi. Each week, you're required to post one original post that somehow focuses on that week's subject matter. This week, however, your post will address one element of the Chi Le brand.

  3. Sounds good! Looking forward to learning more about everyone.

  4. Great first post! I'm excited to start contributing and begin my foray into blogging!

  5. This seems like it will be really fun. Great posts so far! Looking forward to the blog growing with many interesting posts!

  6. This seems really fun! Son for this wk, we should post one pic that somehow describes an aspect of out personality and write a brief description? Never done this b4 so want to make sure I understand thanks :)

  7. So exited!
    It keeps my mind busy thinking of my own SM brand for days long.

  8. These are good tips, thank you. Definitely a new experience to create a "personal brand" as opposed to promotion on behalf of a client/business. I think it will be a fun exercise.

  9. So sorry in being a week behind. Leaving the office now and heading to class. Part of my SM brand would include a blog I'm maintaining on working out to train for events like Tough Mudder, in support of the Wounded Warrior Project:

  10. I am obviously late to the party but... I am here!

    Hmmm me as a brand.
    I think I might have some fun in this class.
