Sunday, February 19, 2012

Chunky Writing

"Chunk it up" is one of my favorite writing soundbites. I wish I could take credit for chunking, but I cannot. 

PR 2.0 isn't a writing course, but since good writing is at the core of blogging, now's a good time to experiment with digital writing techniques.

A few of my top tips:
  • Timely & Relevant: When possible, focus on something that's happening right now (not yesterday or last week) and tie your blog topic to a current event.
  • Tight & Digestible. Avoid general, and focus on specific, tight angles. For example, my personal brand-related blog post might focus on the red fleece track jacket and why it's part of my brand. 
  • Crisp & Clean. Active voice. Conversational. To-the-point.
  • Chunked & Scannable. Short sentences with one or two simple ideas. Bulleted lists. Bold subheads. Bold/italicize key words. 
And three helpful sites:
  • Useit:  Dr. Jakob Nielsen is the brains behind this site that, at first glance, looks surprisingly dull and old-school. Don't let that fool you. Dr. Nielsen is a web pioneer and an expert on human-computer interaction. His site is full of useful information on web, social media, mobile apps writing.
  • Copyblogger:  The site's key message is this: Compelling Content is the New Advertising.Strong, simple and straightforward.
  • MashableDon't neglect this one, "the top source for news in social and digital media, technology and web culture."  Search the archives for credible advice on web and social media writing.
Got a good online writing tip or site?


  1. I like the personal touch part, i considered blogs that I like, definitely not being general is what I like.

  2. Mashable is definitely my bible, I read it everyday!

  3. I read on Mashable that Storify has launched a free iPad app for social media storytelling.
