Monday, February 20, 2012

Weeks Eats


I have to confess: I can't stop eating. Some might view this as a curse, but I count it as a blessing! After all, I live in Brooklyn, N.Y., a melting pot of food and flavors. I'm always on the hunt for new restaurants to review so if you know of any good ones, please send them my way. I have a Twitter handle to report on all my food facts and findings and build my culinary brand. You can follow me @WeeksEats.


  1. Ooooh interesting, I might have found another foodie who lives in Brooklyn too:).

  2. As another food-lover, but out of NYC , looking forward to your advises to enjoy

  3. I recently had the best jerk chicken of my life at Islands, a hole in the wall spot on Washington and Eastern Parkway near the Brooklyn Museum in Prospect Heights. I've had Carribean elsewhere in the city, but this takes the cake. It's also BYOB, which is great for cutting down the already low prices.

  4. If you have never had Ethiopian food before, you should try my families restaurant in Brooklyn. It's called Ghenet Brooklyn! Looking forward to more foodie posts! So many delishes places to eat in NYC!

    1. How cool! I've been to Ghenet several times, and once just two weeks ago! The food is AMAZING :)

    2. That's awesome! I manage the Facebook and Twitter accounts for the restaurant. We should follow each other @Ghenetbrooklyn

  5. As a foodie, I am always looking for new places to go.

  6. I'm a foodie a well. I will travel out of my way for a great cup of coffee, French pastries, authentic specialty foods. It's always worth the trip. I'm now inspired to try Brooklyn eateries...

  7. You should all check out a place called Caracas Arepas Bar in Williamsburg. This is Venezuelan food. It's great!!!
