Thursday, March 8, 2012

Happy International Women's Day!

 This year it is celebrating its 100th birthday. International Women’s Day (IWD) takes place on March 8, every year. It’s a time not just to celebrate the achievements of women worldwide but to raise questions about discrimination, equality and basic human rights.
There are really good campaigns for nonprofits all over social media channels.
Below I shared James Bond's Video for We are Equals Organization .
You can find some other ways to support this day using your social media access.


  1. I was just reading an article on NY Daily News about a German newspaper banishing front-page topless models for IWD. Thoughtful, don't you think?

  2. It is a statement from the article itself, which I believe in so,

    “ a small step from women’s point of view — but it’s a big step for Bild and all men in Germany.”

  3. But it hinted that the Bild Girl may not be totally gone, saying it “wants to be sexy in future too — but in a more modern way, and better-wrapped, inside the paper.”

    Mmh, this is indeed a major step. I am not so sure about the realisation. It was just too strong. Interesting how things are moving in sometimes old fashioned Germany...
