Monday, March 5, 2012

CrossFit and Me

I thought about it long and hard for this entire week, not knowing what I was going to write about.  Frankly, after viewing the examples of social brands, I wasn't really inspired because the only ones I could somewhat relate to were Dos Equis or Nike.  This whole time, however- actually the last five years, the social brand of CrossFit has been staring at me in the face.  It is a brand I've loved since 2007 and it continues to flourish in the social space because its roots and passions are community driven.

Shooting the proverbial breeze is ISLC Class 3-08
It all started at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina when I saw Advanced Infantry classmates of mine, two Advanced Scout Sniper instructors, conducting a ridiculous workout, which seemed like 100 pullups and 100 95lbs thrusters in less than 8 minutes (later I would find out that this WOD, or "Workout of the Day" was known as, "Fran").   Throughout the weeks I got to know them, they would conduct these quick, yet rigorous workouts and finally, I just had to ask: "What exactly are you guys doing?"

Them: "CrossFit"

Me: "Cross what?  Does it help you do anything good in particular?"

Them: "Fight wars and kill."

And that's all they needed to say to a young Lance Corporal in the Marines for him to get hooked.  It was a challenge and an adrenaline rush targeting military/law enforcement personnel and fitness junkies.  In retrospect, that was an example of successful word-of-mouth advertising.  As soon as we got back from the field that week, the two directed me to CrossFit's main site.  If you look back through the archives, this workout regimen developed a community driven culture and has been micro-sharing since 2001.  CrossFit's "conversation" has been exponentially ongoing since then and continues to grow.  Today, as an extension of its main site, it utilizes Facebook & Twitter, along with various blogs to leverage its brand.  From the specialized protein powder of Progenex to the specialized equipment and apparel of Rogue Fitness, any one can evaluate that die-hard CrossFitters spend a lot of $$$ living this lifestyle.

Attending a CF-L1 Seminar in October '11
And ever since it started out as a cult in the mid-90's, through leveraging social media and community driven events, it has turned into a monster that has taken the world by storm- Games sponsorship by Reebok to coverage on ESPN.  If you don't know by now, you better get familiar!  From learning about it in 2007 in North Carolina, to exploring more of its regimens in Iraq towards the end of the war, and now currently living its lifestyle, I attest that CrossFit and its social brand has made such a positive impact on my life, my friends' lives, and the lives of others.  It is a genuine extension of our own personal brands.  My only qualm with its growing popularity is will its lifestyle and community values be watered down once it's fully integrated in the mainstream?  Only time will tell.

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