Monday, March 5, 2012

Met Opera Wins on FB

I’m fascinated by the Met Opera fb page. Each post that appear regularly once a day including Saturdays, collects on average 400 - 600 likes.  There are people from around the world commenting under each post. Some of them reveal even buying a flight from Europe to NY just to see one particular opera! Such comments can be very convincing for those who are not that far to purchase a ticket if it’s still available.
It seem that from all of the world’s grandest opera houses Met Opera appreciate the most the social media as a mean to popularize this kind of music among its users. Today 158,084 people like Met, including 6,145 of those talking about it and 31,464 who were here. Famous Teatro alla Scala in Milan, Italy is liked by only 55,065 and nearly 17,000 visited it, Royal Opera House in London has 65,000 likes and Opera National de Paris only 20,000. Sydney Opera House seems to be number 2 with its 105, 215 like clicks on its fb page. I'm getting to be more and more convinced that behind the undeniable success of the Met Opera, stand not only the greatest singers, stage directors and musicians but also its social media architects...

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