Monday, March 26, 2012

Certainty Anchor

If some of you still struggle to figure out one personal brand, as I do, I recommend the post published in The Personal Branding Blog by Peter Sterlacci about the concept of certainty anchor as a way to create and develop one personal brand. A simple and almost obvious idea yet so helpful and important to understand when speaking about the whole process of creating and maintaining the personal brands. I find it very interesting the way Peter implements this rule in his own branding strategy. Have a look:


  1. How's your personal brand coming along, Ewa? I love that there was an exchange between you and Peter. That reinforces the power of the 1:1 conversations that take place in social.

  2. Thanks Eric,
    Well, to be honest, it's still a struggle to me. I know that there is that "blogging voice" somewhere inside me. The voice that wants to go out, say and share the thoughts and experiences to the outside world. But when it comes to writing and clicking "publish" I encounter a lot of barriers that stop that natural flow of words to mark my existance in the virtual world. I don't remember whether it was B. Solis or David Meerman Scott who said that not everybody can be a blogger... On the other hand, on one SM blog regarding SM brand I read that "the more you give, the more you get ..." and that gave me much to think... I keep trying.

  3. Keep trying - or giving, as they say. You've made more progress than you give yourself credit for.

    This stands out: "Not everybody can be a blogger." I agree with that statement -- to an extent only. It depends upon how you define "blogger."

    Remember that there's a difference between the personal brand & the blogging voice. They do complement each other, but try to understand how they differ.

    Re: your blogging voice. Nobody says you have to self-identify as a blogger. This blog -- nyupr2point0 -- is an online platform for sharing course-related content (& the dialogue to go with it) that we don't possibly have the time to cover in class.

    You don't have to be a Blogger (capital B) to have a thought or a POV about a topic. You are Ewa, and you have thoughts & ideas to share with the rest of us. Try to avoid the definitions/labels.

    By the end of the term, you'll be able to look back on all of this nyupr2tpoin0 content and realize that you gained a lot more knowledge just because of the blog.
