Tuesday, March 13, 2012

"Apple-y Ever After"

   Unilever owned ice-cream brand Ben&Jerry's redesigned its 
Apple Pie ice-cream packaging to support gay marriage in the UK. This week the UK Government will talk about legislation which will give equal rights to gay couples. Ben&Jerry's in partnershipwith gay right charity Stonewall, also show their support using social media by Facebook app and brand website.


  1. I love this! Ben & Jerry's is the best company ever. I am going to use this hashtag right now!

  2. I love the play on words. "Apple-y Ever After"

  3. It's approaching midnight, and that means it's time for a midnight snack!

  4. Serena, let me share a blogging tip that you'll use all the time: Creating a link.

    Rather than including entire URLs, all you have to do is write your blog post copy, and then link the most relevant words to the outside content source.

    You do this by highlighting the words/phrases that you'd like to become links, and then clicking the "LINK" icon in the "Create a Post" toolbar. There, you'll enter the URL for the outside content source.

    Tip: Select the option that opens a new window for the linked content source. This is considered good web usability because you never want to direct a user completely away from your site/content.

    By creating a new window, out blog will continue to remain open and live.
