Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Digitalizing or Bankrupting

After reading and retweeting Brian Solis' post about the importance of brand in the digital era, I started to think about these companies that desperately try to adapt to this fast evolution. In fact, they need to succeed because the only other option is bankruptcy.

I read a lot about Kodak and if you just look at the story, this company known for inventing the digital camera is not adapting fast enough to the digital era(ironic isn't it?). Fast changes in consumer behavior is the main reason why Kodak and Blockbuster can't keep up with their markets. These two companies who were once the technological leaders in their respective industries, are now trying to keep their head above water... who would have guest it?

Will this fast-paced environment continue developing at a faster rate? Do you have another example of a company not evolving fast enough?

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