Thursday, March 15, 2012

Luxury retailers explore different strategies on Pinterest

To find out what business values brands are getting out of their social media presence, I compared two luxury department stores in New York, namely Neimann Marcus and Bergdorf Goodman on Pinterest. Their pinwalls are both content-rich and well organized. Trends are put together in a way that is more appealing than in most fashion magazine. Both express serious fashion cred. But the most interesting part is the different strategies that drive these two companies on Pinterest.

Bergdorf Goodman uses Pinterest to showcase exclusively products and brands sold in store. The strategy is about product placement. The marketing effort is geared towards getting more visibility of the merchandise. It is a subtle sales promotion.

Neiman Marcus on the other hand (see picture) uses Pinterest as a vehicle to unfold its fashion vision. It pins trends inspiration gathered from all over the web. It would go as far as pin a picture from a blogger wearing H&M and Zara clothes if the look is right.

Which strategy pays off? Saying that a masterful style can be put together with high street clothes does nothing towards current product promotions. However, in terms of corporate brand positioning, Neiman Marcus is clearly expressing a fashion-forward statement. It embraces style. And eventually, that's what high-end shoppers are willing to pay a premium for.

Original content  by Sarah Luvisotto


  1. Thank you for breaking down the strategy, it's eye opening.

  2. Great commentary, Social Media channels have allowed brands to engage, communicate and above all listen to what their customers are saying.

