Friday, February 24, 2012

The Young & The Reckless

New York is an adult playground for 20-somethings like my friends and me. Somewhere between college and real life, the days of our lives are packed with trashy/glamorous parties, snooty cultural excursions, and a soap operatic dating world. I am often surprised by the places my days (and nights) take me, and I like to share them with others. Follow me on pub-crawls via Foursquare (Blankspace05), drool over my dinner on Instagram (Blankspace05), or read my snarky gallery reviews on Twitter (@JohnDavidBrown). I’m always on the lookout for new things to do and places to explore, so let me know if you have any ideas for me and my reckless friends.


  1. If ur out and find something kool lemme know! always looking to explore new places :)

  2. John-David, your Young & The Reckless lifestyle that sits at the core of your personal brand is giving me waves of nostalgia. Enjoy. And since you put the invites out, I'll be following you on Foursquare and Instagram (efchandler).
