Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Social Media: An Aerial View

(This is the official blog post for the week of  2/28 - 3/6)

"Hey, can you build us a social media brand in the next week or so?" Don't laugh. Requests like this happen.

There's no sure-fire method. With a topic as lofty as social media, take a 360-degree survey of the  terrain first. Get a grip on the big picture. Then, dive into the specifics.  

Late last year, iMediaConnection published The Brands Redefining Social Media in 2011 list. Spend some time reading case studies from companies like American Express, Ford, Domino's, Dos Equis and others. Find out how they're engaging with people through all kinds of social networks, platforms, channels & apps.

These folks are leading the social media brand charge -- for now, anyway. And this is where you'll find inspiration.

This week, create posts about all-things social media brand. Think of each post as a story, with brands and social tools & platforms as main characters. Spotlight a narrow topic. And then bring it to life with color and noise.  

Not sure how to start? Don't worry. It gets easier. 


  1. Interesting article on creating a Facebook brand page -- really good tips!

  2. This article goes to show if your brand isn't on social media, you will be left behind.

  3. Very interesting article that is already in my favorites! I like.the way it highlights how vast are the possibility to build a social media brand.

    These examples will be very precious for our final project!

  4. Building a social media brand is vital for any company striving to seem youthful and ahead of the game. Great article.
