Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Fun apps for photo

Sharing a picture created with instagram then used PhotoFunia to insert onto an interesting background.
Any cool app, please share.


  1. Ha! Thanks so much for this share. Being a BlackBerry user, I do not possess the cool and hip functions iPhone users do. I am definitely going to be playing around with this.

  2. Don, I held on to my Blackberry roots and finally had a weak moment in September 2010. I'm glad that temptation got the best of me, because the iPhone has completely changed my media habits -- for the better.

    Chi, thanks for the tip. I'm downloading after I finish this response. I'm on Instagram at efchandler. What is your name?

    1. Hi Eric, finally I know how to check back at past posts. On Instagram, mine is myrentdress.
