Tuesday, February 28, 2012

GE Tumblr

After we discussed Behtel's City Lights brand that could be geared towards GE, I googled GE Tumblr today.

Here's the link: http://generalelectric.tumblr.com/

I found some of the images interesting, but images of city lights might be more compelling! What do you think?


  1. From the GE Corporate level, this Tumblr blog actually holds my interest. The GE brand is rather esoteric, and I think this brand Tumblr adds a more tangible meaning to things.

    Check out gelighting.com, the site that focuses on all-things GE lighting. From a product marketing POV, I'd say that a Tumblr focused on lightbulb photography, a la CityLightz, is a perfect, compelling social media brand extension.

  2. I totally agree. Another tumblr I really like is the New York Times' The Lively Morgue: http://livelymorgue.tumblr.com/

    It's a bunch of images from the NYT historical collection. I love the title of the Tumblr. The newspaper could be really uptight and traditional, but it shows they are having fun with it.
