Monday, February 27, 2012

Social Branding Like The Artist

There are a few striking similarities between questions you must ask yourself when developing a social brand and creating a presentation. And since you'll be doing both as part of your group presentation, this post-Oscar nod to The Artist seemed only fitting.



    If you haven't watched, "The Artist," and don't want anything ruined, please do not read my comment below.


    What a great movie and that has to be a record for receiving an Oscar and only saying two words. I was definitely surprised at the end with his accent. Lastly, I loved the commentary on how antiquated a medium can be only after a couple of years back then during the depression. Translated to today's speed, relevancy could diminish as quick as the life span of a house fly... Scary to think that in the near future, relevancy will be shortened to minutes.

  2. I haven't watched it so far. But I have it on my list for weeks. Is there a cinema in the City you can recommend which is exeptionally nice?

  3. Good question. Many NYC cinemas fall into the "shoddy" category, in my opinion. For the more mainstream fare, Lincoln Square (UWS) isn't so bad. Weekends are often crowded, but the crowd is typically civilized. For the more independent scene, I like Landmark Sunshine Cinema (LES).

    Where do you live in NYC? Unless I know a neighborhood, I can't make an honest venue recommendation for The Artist. I live in Chelsea, and it's playing at Chelsea Clearview. Decent. Can't complain. It's also playing at the Angelika (SoHo). Excellent movies, though I'm not fond of the theatre-going experience. Not comfortable. Cramped seating. And given its proximity to subways, there's a good chance you'll hear underground rumblings.
