Monday, February 27, 2012

confessions of a 30yr old boy

i'll be the first to admit that i just can't have one beer whenever i start consuming alcoholic beverages... this attribute stems from my indoctrination into a few drinking cultures throughout the span of my life: (1) being filipino, (2) unwarranted private school rebellion, (3) fratboy days at rutgers, and (4) the life of an enlisted united states marine.  taking this into account, whenever i drink, i either go big or go home... which presents a problem, because 65% of my facebook usage basically serves as a reminder of the great times i could not remember the next day. 

so i asked myself, "why?" i started to form an explanation after a heavy bender when one of my friends called the next morning and said, "hey man you alright?  i felt like you were leaving a trail of bread crumbs for me to find through your status updates and pictures."  ahah!  immediately, i blamed two influences for the creation of my drunkbook: the hangover (movie) plus the dawn of smartphones (particularly, my blackberry). the short of the long is, the hangover presents a situation no man ever wants to be in... an innumerable list of gauntlets you have to traverse, but have no idea how you got there in the first place... if you haven't been there, it's an absolut (pun intended) disaster and feels completely horrible.  moreover, smartphones offer us a few solutions in giving ourselves (and in this case, your social network) bread crumbs and hints for the next day, so you're not as clueless.  you can take pictures & post them or have a timeline of status updates that may even have your locations attached to them... hence, drunkbook.  i'm not sure if this is a legitimate explanation... probably just me thinking out loud.

all in all, my professional contacts whom i strictly want to keep professional  are not friends with me on this platform.  but usually, i like having a good time and am friends with anyone that requests me.  i'm not proud of that, but it's a fact of life... facebook provides me with an outlet to slightly misbehave and since i'm an open-source, community driven kind of guy, i don't mind sharing my life with my social network... with that said, if i deem someone can't handle the heat, i don't invite them into my kitchen.  so if you should ever become friends with me on it, i apologize in advance, and all i can say is "welcome and enjoy the show."

 ps- the only lyrics that don't apply to me is when she sings about being a "little girl." haha, ok good night.


  1. note: when i clicked on the invitation, i didn't realize my 4TWC blog wasn't signed out, so the gmail account associated with me (Don Valdez) is now and not

  2. Now THAT'S what I call an authentic, genuine and no-holds-barred explanation of an element of Don's personal brand.

    Might there be a liquor brand that you'd like to cozy up to for the sake of brand extension and possible sponsorship dollars later down the line?

  3. And OK, I hate to be a stickler, but nyuPR2point0 aims to be a credible, reputable information source with the highest of [brand] journalistic standards. So I will request that we keep an eye on traditional [old-school?] grammar, punctuation and capitalization rules.

  4. Ok, will do Eric- with regard to traditional grammar rules.

    Although entertaining a liquor brand may not do well for my liver, I think it's a great idea. I do have some ideas on how to blend my fitness interests with imbibing, but I'm not sure how my network would respond to them.
