Monday, February 27, 2012

And the Oscar Goes to......

  Most of my friends think that women watch the Academy Awards to criticize red carpet. I love to watch the Academy Awards. When I was living in Turkey, I woke up in the middle of the night just to watch Oscars and next day I always was late for school. But I'm not just interested in red carpet, I also love to watch move. So I watch Oscars to criticize both :) To summarize the Academy Awards "The Artist" and "Hugo" completed the 84th annual Academy Awards with 5 awards apiece. "The Artist" won the best film of the year award. "The Artist" is a silent movie. Some of my friends watched the movie and they strongly recommended it. After the awards I definitely will watch "The Artist". I watched "3D Hugo". It is a good movie too. If you didn't watch it, you should watch it immediately. Now it's time to give little tip from red carpet. I think the best of red carper is Gwyneth Paltrow from Tom Ford. And my second favorite one is Angelina Jolie from Versace.

Gwyneth Paltrow - Tom Ford


  1. I loved the dress of Gwyneth Paltrow as well. For me she is the actor with the best taste over all!

  2. While I thought Angelina's dress was stunning I found it so annoying that she did that pose with her leg sticking out of the long slit and her hand on her hip in every photo and while on stage. It was a big topic on social media sites. Does SHE really need to make a statement?

  3. I agree, this was an outstanding look. Perhaps my favorite of the evening.
