Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Branding a right leg...

I just learned about this tweet @AngiesRightLeg .
I thought it is a perfect example for personal branding and how things can develope on social media.
Still I cannot believe that so many people care about a right leg :-)


  1. Her right leg was her Oscars 2012' signature...and what a signature! I would be curious to know how many people mentioned it during the Oscar presentation but it was a big topic of conversations...

    ...perhaps as big as "JLo's skin moment"!

  2. The twitter handle has 33,000 followers. That's crazy!

  3. I think Angelina knew exactly what she was doing. She seems to be a very calculated woman. She probably knew that it would be the talk after the Oscars. Too bad JLo upstaged her just a bit.

  4. I agree with Erica here. A brilliant social media brand extension for the entertainment product known as 'ANGELINA JOLIE.'

    I might use "strategic" or "savvy" in place of "calculated," since I'm looking at it from the lens of pure social media marketing. This was the talk of my Digital Entertainment class this evening.

    Granted, this is Brand Angelina Jolie, though it shows the social branding power of razor-sharp focusing on [SUBJECT], and then blowing it up with color, verve and life.

    If Angie's leg can have 41,493 followers (on 2/29, 10:19 p.m.), that lends proof that the branding concept is credible.
