Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Year Birthdays

Leap Year was one of the hot topics on Twitter today and there were many interesting photos representing this special day.
There is some confusion as to when to celebrate your birthday if you were born on February 29th on a non-leap day?
Well, according to Ed Zotti, author of "Know It All!", there is a way to figure it out as he explains it.  "One year = one complete revolution of the earth around the sun = 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds.  To figure out the right day to celebrate your birthday, you add 365 days and one-quarter days to the hour of your birth.  Suppose you were born February 29, 1972 at 10PM, your first birthday would be March 1, 1973 at 4AM.  Your second and third birthdays would also fall on March 1st at 10AM and 4PM, respectively.  Come year four your birthday your birthday is back where it started, February 29th at 10PM." Luckily this year you don't have to do the math. For those leap year babies who don't care to be in sync with the cosmos they can celebrate on February 28th or March 1st next year.


  1. I have always wondered when you celebrate leap yr b-days! Thanks for the info

  2. I was trying to make this calculation on my own today. Thanks for the info.

  3. Out of pure curiosity: Erica, is today your birthday?

  4. What are you trying to say...that's me in the photo? No, actually my birthday is in October and it falls on the same day every year.
