Friday, March 23, 2012

This Monday: Damage Control in 140 Characters

What is a crisis? A crisis is anything but business-as-usual; A situation where business-as-usual must be suspended.

BP oil spill. Bedbugs infest movie theater. Twitter loses ability to post tweets. You get the picture.

When a crisis happens, communication with target audiences follows. But what happens when social media takes hold of the crisis and organizations lose control?

Tom Rozycki, a former CJP Communications colleague and a crisis communications pro, joins us Monday evening. 

In person, Tom's brand is far more than this buttoned-up guy on the left. He's a great storyteller, he likes chicken parm and more.


  1. Sounds interesting, look forward to his insights.

  2. I like the profile example! Looking forward to tomorrow evening! Thanks!

  3. He was a really good speaker. Glad you brought him in, Eric!

  4. He was a really good speaker. Glad you brought him in, Eric!
