Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Story of Stuff

It all started in 2008 with a video posted on YouTube and Annie Leonard, the creator of The Story of Stuff project, was hoping to get 50000 views to call her initiative a success. The movie is a 20 minutes cartoon narrated by her, explaining how our production and consumption patterns have an impact on the existing (limited) natural resources and what we can do to make a change.

The video was a huge success and was the first basis of what is now one of the most popular environmental brands built almost exclusively with the help of social media tools:
  •  the video currently has over 15 000 000 views and counting 
  •  the success on YouTube lead to her writing a book on the topic, establishing an NGO and creating niche projects (such as Story of Cosmetics, Story of Electronics, Story of Bottled Water etc) that support the idea of sustainable production and consumption
  • The Story of Stuff has over 150000 followers on Facebook and is growing on Twitter as well.
 It is one of the environmental "brands" that fascinate me most so be prepared to hear more from me on the topic :) in future posts.

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