Thursday, March 8, 2012

Facebook, Autocracy, & Fascism

I barely watch television because of Netflix, as it feeds my hunger for foreign films.  I had a chance to check out "Die Well" (The Wave) the other day, a story about impressionable minds & community driven concepts.  Check it out and replace the idea of "The Wave" with Facebook...

I believe the end result would be the opposite of the Arab Spring and everything Andy Carvin was talking about in class on Monday evening.


  1. Coming from Germany this is a pretty impressive film. Nowadays German kids at school see the film to be aware of facism. Pretty impressive and pretty educative.

  2. Definitely. It was a pretty simple concept of how people lose their individuality in a group. I also loved the sequencing, as all members involved seemed like they put a lot of thought into the film.
