Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Checking in on my Twitter account tonight and saw an overwhelming amount of tweets regarding Joseph KONY, a Ugandan gorilla leader, headof the LRA. The LRA has abducted and forced over 66,000 children as sex slaves and child soldiers.

A documentary film about this little known conflict has gone VIRAL. On facebook alone, in the past 2 weeks, has had over 3.6 million posts!

Here is a screen shot of my twitter. You can see the impact it is having on twitter, with it being a Trending Topic.
Below is the documentary, a very good watch! A tad long, but worth the time!


  1. I watched the video today and receiving it from four different people. Definitely worth it. And I've since sice socially shared it, as well.

  2. I just watched it. I am really touched and I think this is such an exceptional idea. I like the idea of turning the pyramid upside down. Thank you so much for sharing!

  3. Did you guys see this photo surface today? wapo.st/AkiwU5
    Do you think it damages the Invisible Children organization's credibility?

  4. Another interesting viewpoint on the Invisible Children org: http://bit.ly/z3CZaP

  5. The video is striking. I'm glad Uganda is having some time in the international spot light. This continues to be one of the cruelest atrocities going on in the world today.

  6. Thank you Behtel! I think it is important to share it.

    @Julia, I think as much as the social component plays a mainly positive role, I guess it also can be negative since people's opinions can be easily shared as well.
