Thursday, March 1, 2012

Mother Monster is back with new social content!

Eric knows I tend to often mention Lady Gaga but what an impressive brand. I don’t know if I am a Little Monster because of her music or because she is one of the most innovative and creative brand I’ve seen this decade but she is contagious!

What’s new this time? According to Mashable, Lady Gaga is putting (nothing less) a new social network out there: Apparently (because I am still waiting the code to get in), it is a combination of Pinterest and Reddit and contains all-things-Gaga. What’s so powerful is that it brings the whole, enormous Monsters community all together: we are talking about 19 million Twitter followers, 47 million Facebook fans, and 330,000 Google + followers (since January) reunited on a visual and rating content platform. So far, the community counts 10,000 distributed codes within the first 4 weeks of the launch.

We can argue about how well her music and style is but I think we can all agree that she (and her team) is a very smart “marketer” and truly understand what a brand is all about. I suggest that you look at the second slideshow in the article to fully understand the impact she has in the digital world!!

What a great example of someone who found her voice... in all ways!


  1. Thank you Josi for sharing. It is unbelievable. And I can tell you, that even our kids (3 and 6) who know nothing about Social Media, know Lady Gaga and loved her X-Mas market at Barneys.

  2. What Josi didn't mention is that I, too, have been known to talk about Gaga & branding. In fact, Katja, one entire session of Public Relations Functions & Practices (PRFandP) focused on how Gaga's Workshop (Barney's) tapped into various shades of traditional, digital and social PR/marketing to convey Brand Gaga. She left no stone unturned.

    1. Katja/Eric, I was also a big fan of her Barneys workshop! She beautifully integrates EVERY single aspect of her is truly unbelievable!

  3. I'm curious to hear what people think on the divisive subject of Madonna vs. Gaga. Do you think Gaga is a copycat?

    I'll point out one copycat trait that nobody can fault: Gaga successfully copied Madonna's savvy ability to launch and strengthen a career using THE MOST POWERFUL COMMUNICATION MEDIUM available at the time.

    Without MTV, Madonna wouldn't have made such a grand entry on to the public stage. The same can be said for Gaga and her ability to tap social media's power & global reach.

  4. That is so true. Had it not been for MTV would Madonna be where she is today? I am a Madonna fan but let's face it she is not the greatest singer but she used the medium of the time to her advantage and became a force of nature. I do think that Lady Gaga has copied Madonna, not only with her performances but also in marketing herself in a way where it is impossible to not know who she is regardless of one's age or taste in music. I think on the other hand she separates herself successfully from Madonna in portraying herself as a misfit and a champion of the underdog with her Little Monsters brand...genius! Madonna empowered woman and supported causes like HIV research but she could never escape her diva personality. Lady Gaga makes you believe she is the real deal whether she is or not.

  5. When I read Josi's post, automatically Madonna came into my mind.
    They have something in common for sure.

    I really enjoyed reading below post.
    "Fearless mastery of Madonna's brand and message"

  6. I too find Gaga's marketing prowess fascinating!

  7. I love Lady Gaga - her music, her style and what she stands for. Just last week, Gaga and her mother, Cynthia Germanotta, launched the Born This Way Foundation, a non-profit youth empowerment organization, from Harvard University. Viewers could watch a live stream of the event as it unfolded. In a few months prior to its official launch, the Born This Way Foundation had already garnered over 38,000 Twitter followers and 64,000 likes on Facebook. Pretty amazing if you ask me!
