Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Measuring Social Media Metrics

While it's impressive to see someone with thousands of followers on Twitter or millions of views on YouTube, why does it matter? This article argues that it depends on your objectives. What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I like the way he highlights the importance of "sentiment" and introduces it in the "metric" categories. I would add also "knowledge" on the list. I would define it -"increase the level of people's awareness in specific areas from being exposed to the content you promote using social media" - however this metric "works" for NGO/public sector only.
    I think that for companies all the results have to be measured in the end in "sales increase" or "active customers", so "knowledge" wouldn't make sense (unless it leads somehow to people being aware of how good their products are compared to their competitors' :)).
