Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Facebook Passwords Required on Job Interviews

Some companies are now asking potential employers to provide them with their Facebook user names and passwords so they can do their own "social background checks" during interviews. This reinforces we should be careful what we post on our social profiles when we are interviewing for jobs. Read the full article here: http://bit.ly/GAOgg7

Do you agree with this practice, or think it is a complete violation of privacy? I stand by the latter.


  1. I agree with you -- that's a complete violation of privacy. I think it's fine for employers to do research on what's already out there on you, but if someone has a protected account, it should stay that way.

  2. This is a troubling development.

    What message does this send about the organization that is going to request this information up-front?

  3. While I don't agree with "social background checks" I keep in mind in our SM world that what I don't want out there I don't put out there.

  4. I think this is incredible. I would ask myself if this is really the company I would like to work for. Another question: is this legal?

  5. Facebook Takes a Stand Against Employers Who Request Passwords


  6. I also think it is a big violation of privacy.

    Sevda, the article you posted is also interesting. Do you think Facebook is taking actions entirely on behalf of their users or to protect their privacy reputation?
