Thursday, March 1, 2012

Justin Bieber is giving up his birthday for charity!

please for my birthday help me get people in need clean drinking water.thanks #makeachange -
Justin Bieber is giving up his birthday for charity: water. Instead of gifts for his 18th birthday, he’s asking all his fans to donate $18 to help give people access to clean, safe drinking water. Join Justin, and give up your next birthday for clean water!
 ·  ·  · 21 minutes ago · 

As a 37 year old mother of  two sons, I’m not exactly in the tar­get demo for Justin Bieber. I ’ll never clas­sify myself as a fan of Justin.  But, love him or hate him, results are admirable. 
Why do you think that his social media brand is so successful? 
His sincere (one of us) voice? 
2 way dialog with his fans?


  1. I like his message about helping people. He has the celebrity power to inspire others to make a difference.

  2. It's kinda tough to hate the kid whose hairstyles can headline the evening news. (Consider that personal brand element!)

    His social media brand is powerful because of that 1:1 bond that it creates. His most devout fans can imagine that he has that bond directly with her -- something that's unique to every girl and her teen-idol crush, regardless of the generation. (When I was in elementary school, Shaun Cassidy was all the rage.)

    So when Biebs tweets 'Night Girls' to 14 million followers, he might as well be whispering 'sweet nothings' directly into each one of their ears before kissing them goodnight.

  3. Why not choosing a philantrophy message to strengthen the value or your own branding. Coming from a rather superficial discussion and image about looking and lifestyle it is pretty smart of his PR crew to shift the interest into the direction of more valuable themes. He is going to grow up and what is better to demonstrate that he is no teen any more than showing hat he cares about the world (very grown up). He has to think about his future after beeing a teenie star.
