Friday, March 9, 2012

How creative is your Facebook timeline?

Barely a week after the launch of the new Facebook timeline, I decided to really dive into it to see what it could offer on a branding angle.

Well, this is 40 creative examples I didn't think about! After reading this, I bet we all going to be on Facebook playing with our new timeline!

Anyone has a great example to showcase?


  1. Excellent find! I was dying after seeing the Google+ timeline! Now I'm going to post this link on my timeline and pawn it off as finding this out on my own.

  2. These are so fun! I wish I were a wiz at Photoshop like these people.

  3. Very cool. A few favorites: 7. Rodney Hess, 10. Ekkapong Techawongthaworn, 13. Sven DuBry, 24. Mark Spangler and 28. Sune Adler Miltersen. Any favorites?

    On the bright side, you don't have to be a Photoshop pro to design a customized, original Timeline (the cover, that is). There are lots of Facebook Timeline tools out there, so Google around and find one that suits your taste.

    As for actual Timeline content, this could create a lot of new business opportunities for PR/social media agencies. What do you think?

  4. These timelines definitely need enormous creativity which unfortunately I don't have...

  5. I just want to do mine right now!
