Thursday, March 22, 2012

A Note on the Social Media Fact Sheet

I've had a few questions about this week's Social Media Fact Sheet assignment. So before we go much farther, let me throw out a couple of other points:

  • Avoid getting caught up in definitions, a la "Fact Sheet," which might stifle your creativity and narrow your thinking.
  • Some may  approach this as a Social Media Resume project. I intentionally didn't spell it out like this early on because the first thing that comes to mind is a traditional bullet-point document.  

The objective is to create an online presence that creatively markets yourself by (1) tapping into your personal/professional story and (2) showcasing your social media strengths, capabilities and projects.

If approaching this like a social media resume is helpful, by all means. Just don't feel like you need to create a document that is geared toward securing employment. Instead, use your imagination, tap into social media elements and share

How long? What's the format? Those decisions are yours based upon how you want to market yourself.

Here are some ideas for inspiration. There's the new kid on the block, Pinterest. And for those who aren't camera shy, video always adds color and life.


  1. Thanks for the additional direction and samples, very helpful!

  2. I just completed mine... wasn't sure what to do but I think it represents me both professionally and personally- check it out:

  3. Check out my page at This is a quick and easy way for me to connect with others in my industry. It's also environmentally friendly since no business cards are needed!

  4. Mine is here
