Sunday, February 26, 2012


I LOVE OPERA!!! I heard this voice all over inside me and I wanted to shout it out loud while heading toward Met Opera to see “Ernani” by Giuseppe Verdi last Saturday.
I usually arrive at Lincoln Center Plaza just a few minutes before the show and with a crowd of excited people I rush forward with a growing anxiety whether I’ll manage to get inside in time. I truly relish this view of hundreds of elegant gowns, these moments of hasty glances at watches and the smell of perfumes that permeate the entrance to the opera.  Without any doubt, passing through Lincoln Center Plaza in rush last minutes before the show is part of a pleasure and a promising beginning of a splendid evening.
 “Ernani” was superb! Angela Meade, soprano, now one of opera’s fastest-rising stars did extraordinary things with her voice that I’ve never heard before. Next to her, starred equally amazing Ferruccio Furlanetto, bass,  Marcello Girdani, tenor and Dmitri Hvorostovsky, baritone, whose interpretation of aria “Te Deum” (from Puccini’s “Tosca”) I could keep on listening without a break.
I’m totally fascinated by Verdi’s operas, mostly for the specific dramatic music, vocal performance and plot of strong protagonists, powerful individuals clashing with each other and with destiny that all together send shivers down to my spine.
Next on the list to experience is “Aida”. Has anyone seen it already??


  1. I have seen it, but not at Met, and still I liked it a lot. I can bet that it will be great at Met! I also like Verdi's operas. I can not say I am a real opera "connaisseur" but I enjoy going whenever I have the chance. Next on my list at Met is "La Traviata" in April and I can't wait to see it!

  2. I have always wanted to go to the opera! It's one of those those items on my bucket list

  3. I'm really looking forward to Wagner's Ring Cycle -- going to try to make them all this time around. That said, I would also love to see Aida at the Met!
