Sunday, March 18, 2012

An image says more than 1000 words.

Last Friday I went to the movies to watch “The Artist” because a friend had recommended it and additionally it won the Oscar for Best Picture.

After watching the movie one of the things that I was impressed by was how we can watch a movie with no sound and very little text for over an hour and still be engaged and understand the whole story. This made me think, is there a way to use social media where you only communicate through images?

I know from my Content Strategy class that the is making an effort to tell their stories in an image, but I wasn’t able to find any additional really great examples.

Do you know any?


  1. That's an interesting point of view. Considering that there's so much information running around, a so called "data tsunami", the concept of communicating messages through images in social media seems like a very interesting and challenging alternative not to a thousand but million words.

  2. This is doable with Instagram. Instagram is one of the social media tools that my nephew and I use to keep in touch. Granted, you can attach a few words to complement your photos, but that is your choice. I'm able to better understand his life story through his Instagram updates.

    As my Instagram profile says, "Telling my story through a combination of snapping (pix) & tapping (a keyboard).

  3. Since you brought up The Artist, you can now make your own silent film:
