Friday, March 16, 2012

Vitamin Water, a viral memes story

Have you seen the Vitamin Water commercial that has been released this week? What have you noticed about it?

How many of you have heard about (or better, have seen) sexy sax man video, playing George Michael's Careless Whisper with his saxophone in countless public spots? I bet most of us! No matter of many times I have seen it, I still LOVE IT!

In this commercial you may also have recognize the LOL Cat community or the Nyan Cat. What are those 3 elements have in common and why Vitamin Water integrated them in its new commercial? This is probably part of a strategy that started to be more and more common in the online community: The uses of viral memes in order to make the new commercial viral itself! Everyone knows what a viral meme is?

A viral meme refers to a concept that spreads rapidly from person to person via the Internet, largely through Internet-based blogs, social networking sites, instant messaging, and video streaming sites such as YouTube. - Wikipedia

What do you think about this strategy? Do you think just by the use of viral meme, a commercial/video could also go social?

For my part everything related to sexy sax man is worth sharing...and here is the proof: My fiance's most recent Halloween costume!


  1. Really cool analysis Josi, I am looking at the commercial differently now. My opinion, from an end-user perspective, and not a specialist in advertisement, the commercials that go viral are the ones that include a funny element - something that people can share as a joke. For example, in Romania, Budweiser was known well before they entered the market because of their funny commercials that everyone was sharing and was laughing about. This one with Vitamin Water is funky, it has potential...:)
